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Lifestyle 2019-06-26 17:09
BTS fans join campaign to serve free meals to homeless
Pastor Park Jong-hwan, founder of Nanumi Korea Incorporated Association serves free meals to homeless people. Courtesy of Nanumi Korea |
By Lee Han-na
Uber Eats Korea will team up with the Nanumi Korea Incorporated Association and crowdfunding platform GIVE.kr to serve meals to about 400 homeless people at Seoul Station, Sunday.
Nanumi, established in 2014 by Rev. Park Jong-hwan, is a nonprofit organization that helps homeless people and low-income families by volunteering and raising money from the public.
Pastor Park and his wife Kim Hae-yen have been taking care of homeless people for about 20 years, although the organization was only legally acknowledged in 2014. About three times a week, his wife, Kim serves meals to hundreds of homeless people. During wintertime, they also provide shelter for them to help keep them safe from the freezing winter weather.
To celebrate the "fifth anniversary" of their charity group, the Park couple had planned to serve about 300 meal boxes of Bon Dosirak. But their tight budget was a hurdle in implementing the goal. They had to find sponsors who were willing to pay for 200 meal boxes. The couple collaborated with GIVE.kr, a crowd funding platform, to raise enough money to buy the meal boxes.
The funds raised through the crowd funding were more than enough. John Kim, the founder and COO of GIVE.kr, shared the unique story behind the funds. "ARMY (the fandom of BTS) from America donated about $3,000 through our website. They were called Bangtan Moms and Noonas. That helped us to provide more meals, which we believe, can serve about 400," he said.
A domino effect came after that with a helping hand from another partner. Uber Eats Korea expressed its willingness to take part in the campaign and contributed two vans that could deliver the meal boxes to Seoul Station.
The anniversary event will take place at Dongja Art Hall at 5 p.m. and about 25 volunteers, including students, will attend to distribute meals to the homeless people.
The organizers said they still need more volunteers to serve meals to the homeless. Those who are interested can contact the organizers at 02)771-8004 or email khy961@hanmail.net.
Information about donations for Nanumi events is available on its website https://kr.give.asia/campaign/jjmsignups.
Lee Han-na is a Korea Times intern.
Korean Language
우버, 나누미코리아와 힘 합쳐 노숙인 무료급식 도와
우버 코리아가 오는 6월 30일 서울역 동자 아트홀에서 노숙자 급식(나누미 사단법인 주최)에 참여한다.
올해로 5주년을 맞아 나누미 사단법인 이사장 박성암과 전이사장 박종환 목사는 300개의 도시락을 서울역에 거주하는 노숙자들을 상대로 나눔 행사를 진행한다. 우버 잇츠 코리아는 자동차 2대를 통해 동자 아트홀까지 300개 가량의 본도시락 상품들을 배달하는데 도움을 주기로 했다고 밝혔다.
21년동안 노숙자 무료급식 사역을 해왔다는 박종환-김해연 부부는 정식으로 사단 법인이 된 2014를 기념하는 행사를 준비하던 중 부족한 후원금으로 200개의 도시락이 모자라게 되자 기브코리아라는 후원 단체의 도움을 빌려 300개 이상의 도시락을 나눌 예정이다.
또한 평소 함께 봉사를 도왔던 기부 코리아 대표 김진수는 이번 크라우드펀딩에 BTS 아미(팬클럽 이름)의 기부가 큰 도움이 됐다며 방탐 맘앤누나 라는 단체가 3,000 달러 이상 기부한 것을 밝혔다.
행사는 오후 5시 서울역 동자 아트홀에서 진행 될 예정이며 25명 가량의 봉사자가 급식을 돕는다. 후원과 봉사 관련 문의는 02)771-8004 와 박해연 사모의 이메일 khy961@hanmail.net 로도 가능하며 더 자세한 정보는 나누미 홈페이지 에서 확인 할 수 있다.
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